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October 19-23 | Hamburg, Germany

Our VP Technology Assessment, Maarten Brom, and Business to Science Manager, Famke Van Renesse-Brouwer, will represent TRACER and participate in the meetings at the annual congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine.

For you as a drug developer, this is a great chance to explore opportunities for fast-track clinical trials. Fill out the contact form on this page, to schedule your meeting with us.

We are excited to meet you in Hamburg!

Phase 0 data points

We like to share the most important data points on Phase 0 clinical trials. In our meeting we will elaborate on this and there will be time to answer questions regarding clinical trials for your compound.

  • Approved method by FDA and EMA
  • Up to a 73% higher chance of success in subsequent trials
  • First patient in within 6 months
  • On- /off-target data in approximately 12 months
  • GLP material is sufficient
  • Only limited toxicity studies needed
  • Skip large animal studies
  • Significantly lower investment in comparison to Phase I

Fill out the form on this page to schedule your meeting at the EANM congress, or send an e-mail to